Springtime for Helen available for download!

Sorry for the long wait.  It's been a wild week on my end.

But the good news is I managed to get 'Springtime For Helen' finished and available for you to download.  So feel free to check it out!

As for 'Beware of the Honey Pot', I'm gonna be a bit busy for the next week or two but once that's out of the way I'll be working on that campaign.

UPDATE 3/13: I had to make a few additions to the pdf.  There is now enemy data for the bouncers, the bartender, and the patrons at the Off-Centre.  Also in certain areas I made musical suggestions to put in for your background music if you choose to run your campaign with it.


Springtime For Helen.pdf 2.1 MB
Mar 13, 2024

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